Finding the slices of heaven.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

First Day of School

Last Tuesday was the first day of school for my babies. My peanut is now in kindergarten and it hurt to watch her drive away on that big yellow bus. I know she is a big girl and I know it has to happen but it still hurt darn it. It also hurt to see my son go off to 2nd grade. Where have the years gone I ask you? I remember when he was a baby and it seems like yesterday.

Well I'm proud of my little ones and how excited and great they were that day. I'm proud of how much they learn and how fast they do it. I'm proud of their happy and polite personalities and I love them more than anything I could ever describe. They are two pieces of my heart and I adore them.

So here are pictures from that day.


Anonymous said...

very nice pictures-----awwwwwww a mothers love for her babies snif, very nice.

Terry said...

Awwwwww... Peanut looks so excited!!

lioux said... cute.

Rick said...

They grow up so fast. I can't believe my little guy is already nine.

I hope you find some peace in your life.

Terry said...

Hey Sweets... Just checking in to see how you are doing?? It's been awhile and I just wanted you to know I was thinking about ya.. :)

Mike said...

Just stopping by to poke you with a sharp, pointy stick.

Hope things are going OK for you.