Finding the slices of heaven.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Ahhhhhh...... Tuesday nights

I don't work tuesday nights. It is finish laundry nights. It is enjoy kids nights.

Tonight after homework we plan Easter egg coloring and a project started for my son. I have my Easter Ham in the oven since I work 12 hours Wednesdays and Thursdays. I figure making the ham on Friday would be cruel and unusual punishment.

M is finishing up his second 14 hour work day and I hope to surprise him with the ham. I hope he stays awake enough to eat it. LOL.

Right now we are working to sell my townhouse so we can move in with him. We plan to get married but financially can not do that until we sell or lease my place. He is 7 years older than me and has never been married. He says he wasn't going to settle for the wrong person. I am honored he views me as the 'right' person.

So I'm in comfy comfy clothes and worklaxing.......ahhhhh Tuesday nights.

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