Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I am woman!! Hear me roar!!! Wait! I'm tiny!

So my husband injured his neck on his wild wave ride on vacation but it's all just muscle injury (thankfully) but I'm left with his yard work.

Yesterday I was asked to mow the lawn. I figured, "I can get this done." First let me say 'hats off' to anyone (man or woman) who regularly mows a lawn.

You might say...."mowing a lawn? Heck that is nothing." You're right but I'm only 5' tall even and a size three. Small and petite and as I found out lacking upper body strength. The lawn mower weighed enough without the bag full of clippings and the handle bar (when I pressed the mower up a hill) was between my shoulder height to my neck. Yep, I'm a shorty. (I think cruel kids in school called me short shit. *shrug* they called me Pebbles too. But I am short with strawberry blonde hair so....)

One side of our 1/2 acre lot is quite hilly and quite literally I thought I would die. Today I've discovered the back muscles that I apparently used while mowing aching me. Hubby better recover quickly. I'm not doing that again. LOL!


lioux said...

I can't remember the last time I mowed a lawn. Glad to hear hubby's okay!

Angel said...

I can remember. And painfully so. LOL. Thanks!