Finding the slices of heaven.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Bringing up the rear...

Phew... pant pant pant... Here I am running into the blog world.... What did I miss? Did miss I alot? Holy cow! I did...!!! I'll catch up buddies, I swear!

Life has been a busy and I have been adjusting things with the kids home all day now and the pool open.

I had a new trip to the SPA today. I had a tad more done but still not enough so I might try another spa next time. I like the woman who worked with/on me but this other one offers more of what I want. It's farther away so we shall see.

I'd tell you all about my design clients and how my manager at the center went on vacation leaving some things for me to handle on my day off at home but that would bore you.

What I will tell you is that my son is a little gentlman lately, holding the door open for me and saying 'after you'. His allergies are easing up and he's a happier boy. It helps that he can sleep in now that school is out. But it's the first week off and they are already chomping at the bit to have play dates with friends. He's even looking for school-like things to do. LOL. I bought them eraser boards each that has practice printing and other things on it today. They were in heaven. :D

My peanut is still amusing to me and everyone else. She is starting a bad habit of wanting to use the lawn as a piddle room when in the pool. Right now I'm just glad she isn't piddling in the pool.

Right now we are watching Chicken Run before getting them in bed. I hope to catch up with my peeps later. I've missed ya'll.


Terry said...

OMG, you did it!! The wax job.. How long does the tenderness last??

Ginger said...

Glad to have you back!

Angel said...

Terry... I did do it. I did it in April too. I had just the bikini area in April done but more so this time. It was a bit more owie this time but doable. One day was stingy but after that it's much better.

Ginger... awww ty. I need to read all my peeps blogs. lol

Rick said...

Looks like all my peeps got here first.

Blogging is a slippery slope. You miss a day and next thing you know a week has gone by. It happened to me last week. I am still not caught up.

Welcome back.

Mike said...

OK, I censored myself.

Glad you are back

Angel said...

Rick.... Yes your peeps beat you to it. It is a slippery slope. Thanks for the welcome back. I've missed blogging for my sanity. LOL

Mike... I hope you didn't censor on MY account. *giggle* Thanks.

lioux said...


Welcome back!

Terry said...

I am a little slow!! I just reread the post/post title....hahhahah...How could I have missed that!!