Finding the slices of heaven.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Update on my son..

Thank you all for your support. It has been an up and down thing since kindergarten for my son (I know, just two years but it seems like an eternity.)

I had some advice from a friend who suggested I arrange to get my son to his last day of school, a half of a day, and accompany him. I phoned the principal and explained what I wanted to do. I wanted my son to attend the last day of school with me so he could partake in the festivities, see his friends one last time, end on a good note and most importantly apologize to the kids in question for his actions so he could take ownership of what he did wrong. He needed to stand up and face the music.

Now while my husband doesn't think my son has aspergers (sic) and I might not think he meets the severe form of it I don't think I should just sweep it under the rug. The best thing I can do for my son is have someone meet with him and do a complete evaluation because I would love to avoid this problem year after year if they can direct him properly. I don't want him labeled and he is just like a normal 7 year old boy, in the end if he doesn't have it I can show the school... "see, he doesn't have it... now what?"

He is a pleaser. He loves to make people happy, laugh and smile. He loves to hug and was crying yesterday because he said no one says yes to hugs. I had instructed him to not hug someone without their permission. (These days lawsuits can happen in elementary school, grrrr.) He has a huge heart, a huge vocabulary and a passion for life. All I want is the best for him and I plan to help him in any way I can. He's a part of my heart and because of that I'd go to the ends of the earth for him.

Thanks again everyone! I will keep you updated.

Schools out.... (hair turning grey as we speak!! LOL)


Mike said...

After I worked for years with kids with Asperger's, I'll tell you I think you are on the right track.

Have an evaluation done and just see.

Glad you stood up for him and got him back for the last day.

Anonymous said...

Good job Angel. You have a wonderful son who has a wonderful mom who is going to go to bat for him in every way possible.

Sizzle Pizzle said...

My daughter had similar problems - she was eventually diagnosed with ADHD. At first, I was offended that my doc would think that - i thought ADHD was for "bad kids" - after thorough research, i know it's not. My daughter is in the gifted program, tests well, blah blah blah - her adhd medicine made a HUGE difference in her school life.

Terry said...

I think the staff could have handled the situation a bit better.. I agree with the train of thought that he is a 7 year old... Pinching, hugging, okay, so he needs his structure, but that is not such a bad thing.... Good luck on the evaluation!!

Anonymous said...

How did it turn out?