Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Lowest of lows (I know it could be worst but it fit)

I'm working away, the sun is shining outside on a beautiful day. I'm trying to get as much done to get peanut in the pool. I make a few phone calls, get a fax.... do some drafting. OHhhh I feel productive. Heck, I even had the dishwasher and washer going. Woo hooo...

Then at noon I get a phone call.




It was my son's school. My stomach dropped. Today is his last full day and tomorrow they have a half of a day. The staff I met with yesterday stated that he does well with structure so the unstructured end of they year has messed with him. *sigh*

So this phone call was from the front office stating that I need to get in and talk to the principal. That there was an incident with my monkey and she can't explain the particulars, that I'd have to come in.

My head is imagining it all. I'm grabbing shoes and peanut and we are off. The short 5 minute drive to the school is pure torture, agony. Hubby isn't reachable by ANY phone and I don't know what I'm walking into.

I walk in and my son is in the front office, a ton of stuff in his arms and his backpack on his back. This doesn't look good. I try to get out of him what happened and only got a little before walking into the principal's office.

Now I was NEVER sent to the principal's office as a child. Call me a goodie goodie if you want but I was never sent. I even hated when, in high school, I'd forget to sign into social study hall because that would earn me detention. It was the only reason I ever got in trouble in the 13 years in the school district.

So I'm walking into the principal's office for my son, after a day of glowing reports and complimentary behavior. I'm sick, I'm terrified.

My son pinched another child for no reason and then crawled under the table and hugged another child's legs. For that he was being sent home and I was told that they thought it best if he didn't go in the half of a day either. My son was kicked out of school at age 7. The principal felt that given my son's need for structure that it would be best if he didn't come back the rest of the year.

And then the term Asperger syndrome was thrown out there given his need for structure and problem today. So we took the walk of shame with all of his stuff but I have to go back tomorrow to get the rest. I cried the whole way home because I was embarassed and upset and unable to get ahold of hubby. After exploring what Asperger sydrome is and the key points I know my son doesn't match up with anything but a few things and that's not enough for him to have it.

Still... I feel quite deflated.


Sally said...

Ok, so here's my disclaimer before I pop off with how your post made me feel...I have no kids of my own...but I have nieces and nephews and friends with kids, so here's my take...

I would have been SO MAD at the school. So, he acted up, but he's 7! And pinching and crawling under a desk does not sound so bad. Your poor he upset that he's going to miss the last day? And I didn't bother to look up Asperger Syndrome, but your soon just sounds like a normal 7 year old who was excited and out of his normal routine...the end of school will do that to you.

Angel - I'm sorry you had such a rough day. I hope your son is feeling ok after being thrown out of school...but there's another day of summer for him! =)

lioux said...

Not to make light of the situation in any way, Angel. (I know you're upset about it).

But there was a period of time (I think I was 11 or 12) I was sent to the principal's office and then sent home just about (literally) every day.

Reason being I had a certain teacher who I thought was a complete moron and I would challenge her and disrupt her classroom all the time.

Needless to say I was voted "class clown" and "funniest student" for the yearbook.

Anonymous said...

Hugs sweetie

Mike said...

Sorry to hear about that.

Sounds like the office staff could use some tact addressing things like this without scaring the holy hell out of the parents.

For the record, I was sent to the principal's office THE FIRST DAY of kindergarten.

Anonymous said...

OK, so the school administration is fullof incompetent jackasses! If they are diagnosing your child with a medical disorder without a medical liscense, well can you say lawsuit?!?!?!

Sorry that they give principals a bad rap.