Finding the slices of heaven.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

April Fools Day!!!

I woke this morning to a rubber spider on my pillow. My son wanted to 'get' his mom. LOL. Mommy came down stairs and said, " what are you doing? We're late! You need to hurry up, eat and get dressed! You've already missed your bus! Move it!" The look on his face was of utter bewilderment. I had him. "But mommy, it's Sunday."

hahahahaha...... "April Fools!!" hee hee. My son chuckled.


Angel said...

I could not think of one single joke to play... so I didn't. None were played on me either. I feel like I missed out:)

Frank Marcopolos said...

sometimes the classics are the best, i think.

Angel said...

Drama...I've pulled the whole 'I think I'm pregnant' joke on hubby a few times but since he got the snip-snip if I did that it wouldn't be funny in the least. Hubby's coworker is a pro at pranks. He pulls one on the office manager at the firm EVERY year. Friday he had the receptionist give her a message that said a Mr. Lyons called and a phone number wishing her to call her back. The phone number was for the city zoo.

Hey brooklyn Frank... Yes, they are. btw... nice voice. :D

lioux said...

One of my BFF's birthday is on April Fools. I try to "get" him every year, too.