Finding the slices of heaven.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Spinning head and no time...

I am going grocery shopping with both monkeys in a few minutes for the first time in a long time (due to Spring break... yeah snow on spring break.. what a joke.) Then they get to join me at a meeting where I work. Follow that up with a trip to Costco (dear god don't let me spend a fortune) and a few other stores. I plan to buy a pillow. Yep. I woke with neck pain and a headache again and to that I say 'NO MORE!' LOL

And even though hubby dinged the car he has asked me to schedule the repair. He preceeded the request with 'I hate to do this to you because I know you're busy'. Yeah, the understatement of the year. I have 5 clients all wanting their stuff yesterday, office meetings, kids, shopping, bill paying and cleaning plus laundry. You wanted me to do??? what??? *sigh* Okay. Of course.


lioux said...

Calgon, take you AWAY!

John said...

You're not inspiring me to return to the work force ;-)

Augs Casa said...

When I grow up, I want to be just like you. You're SUPER MOM. Of course DraMa is Super Duper Mom...ha ha ha

Angel said...

Lioux... seriously. I mean SERIOUSLY! And if calgon has a sister company that is an airline.... *sigh*

John... if you can afford it, stay home! I would if I could but we needed the money and now I'm nearly drowning. I still do the blog(s) because it's the only thing for me.

Casa... hahahaha... yeah I'm only 5' tall, I'm not grown up yet either *rolls eyes* I'm not super mom. I only got half of my pie in the sky list done... *pout* and the two monkeys were more than a handful.

AtHomeDaddy said...

but your pillow don't stink!

Angel said...

Nope.. Mike it doesn't. I just got a BRAND new one. I'll let you know tomorrow how it was.

Working Gal said...

I never know when I have reached my hubby's limit of "would you mind doing this for me today?"

I try to keep it to things I can't do from my desk, like, for example, make a phone call. :)

Anonymous said...

sounds like you have a very busy day indeed. Hope it all went well and that you were able to relax some once you got home.

lioux said...

That must be some pillow!

It's like you're out cold.