Finding the slices of heaven.

Monday, April 02, 2007

What to do?

One pretty high fever.

One body racked with aches from dancing made worse by what ever is causing said fever.

One sunny day that usually makes me dance but now makes me want to nap (and I NEVER nap.)

One migraine that the prescription isn't touching.

And I'm supposed to work tonight but I can't get off the loveseat. *sigh* I hate calling off and haven't done so yet .... hoping I'll feel better. What are the odds of that?


Angel said...

OH SWEETS! Feel better! I feel so bad for you... those migraines have to be awful. I hope you can make it to work tonight. If not I'm sure they'll understand.

I get frequent headaches and some are brutal, but not migraines. They STILL suck. I hate them.

Feel better!!!

Mike said...

Yuck. Hope you feel better soon.

lioux said...

Oh. This sounds like the Mystery Illness I had.