Finding the slices of heaven.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Fire stopper

Today was my 'putting out fire's' day. Both at home and at work. I ran around running errands I put off and then at work I got to sit right next to the boss who was finding problems that needed resolved. I'm not against resolving them, so don't get me wrong it was just a 'put out fires' kind of day.

Peanut and I went to a few stores and she is so much fun to shop with. She is a girly girl and says things like 'ohhhh mommy I love that. That's so pretty' and models in the mirror with hats and sunglasses on. She wants what mommy buys (remind me not to have her with me when I buy underthings. LOL)

My son is obsessed with reading and a thing that is going on at school is furthering that desire. If the school reads for a combined reading time of a million minutes the principal does something funny. He's obsessed although reading just as much as usual. He will sit for at least 30 minutes a day with books and is learning by leaps and bounds.

Tomorrow my son goes on a field trip to the city zoo and aquarium with his class and is so excited.

Wednesday peanut and I go on a field trip with her preschool to the children's museum with all her classmates and their parents. She is excited as well, especially since we ride down in a big yellow school bus. Fun fun. Apparently they have some water interative thing there and I was advised to take a complete change of clothes for her (down to her shoes, even.) So this should be interesting.

I have a new client I meet with tomorrow evening, one demanding client who hasn't signed a contract and pay me my retainer which is highly irritating my lawyer (aka hubby.) I also have two more clients that I hope to complete tomorrow or at least this week. It would be exciting to finish up. Lastly the guy I made the color board for posted earlier hasn't paid (again irritating hubby.) Isn't working independently grand? *sigh*

Tomorrow I will be visiting another car dealer. I should be getting my beetle convertible very very soon. :D


Anonymous said...

Busy, busy, busy the field trip sounds like fun (messy but fun)

lioux said...











P.S. Our new CD is out. I'm sending you a copy!

Angel said...

Finished last... yes life is just busy and I've come to terms with that. But I still find time for myself now and then amazingly enough. LOL

Lioux... I bet I can fathom how busy. I know I don't know first hand but since going back to work I have an appreciation and love the fact that you still comment on my little ol' blog now and again. thanks!

OMG... I'm so excited. You won't believe this but I was thinking about making some chocolate chip cookies today and sending some to Company Inc. I'll have to do that!! Thank you thank you thank you for the copy!!! (in advance.)