Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I have not slept through....

Yes the pillow is good, no I am not still sleeping. LMAO.

I had a ton of research to do for a client and a new appt today w/ a new client. I work tonight and tomorrow I have off..... phew. But I do have an evening appt with another new client. yes... I'm busy but busy means money and that means good stuff for my family.

I got a new laptop bag today (business expense.) It's red and beautiful. It's huge but on wheels. It cost a lot but is worth it and I deserve it ... right? Right.

I'll blog ya later. I have catchup to play with a ton of you tonight! [[[hugs]]] to you all!


Anonymous said...

You get 'er done Angel.

lioux said...

This is awesome news Angel.

Have an awesome day.

Angel said...

Finished last.... thanks babe! I will.

Lioux... it is, was. *sigh* Where is that Calgon you were talking about? ;-P

Anonymous said...

Red, my favorite color. Yes, you deserve it.