Finding the slices of heaven.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

What having kids has made me realize

Having children changes a ton of things as all of you fellow parents know. Last night I took a bubble bath that I felt I richly deserved and listening to my mp3 player. My mind wandered and I found myself thinking about my children and how they have changed my life.

Here is a list of 15 (among hundreds I'm sure if I sat long enough) things that having kids made me realize:

#1. Saturdays are no longer to sleep in or sleep off a hangover.

#2. Your worst fear of someone laughing at you when you're naked comes true. (no matter how great you might look kids always laugh at you if they accidentally see you naked.)

#3. You get to say things you always hated to hear when you were a kids like: "If Eric jumped off a bridge would you?" or "Turn off the lights this isn't the electric company" or "I don't care if it isn't fair, life isn't fair, deal with it." Ohh I could go on and on.

#4. You find out the places that you knew playdoh shouldn't be placed or stuck in ones home or body and a few that surprise you.

#5. You forget what you did in your free time before you had kids.

#6. At night you learn the true sound of ..... silence. And you are almost affraid to talk to your spouse to ruin it. LOL

#7. You know where every bathroom is in every restaurant and store in your area because you have one child or more that ALWAYS has to go even if you asked them 100 times to go before leaving the house.

#8. In some instances you learn how to change a toddlers diaper while they stand up because of no changing stations or dirty facilities. (It's been some time for me but I remember vividly. LOL)

#9. You work to teach your kids the proper way to pronounce things but are sad when they stop mispronouncing them. (are we ever happy?) ie... Peanut used to say hostibal instead of hospital now she says it correctly and I'm sad. She still says aminal instead of animal so I'm clinging. Hee hee.

#10. If you have more than one kids you probably have one that sleeps well and one that doesn't. Or one that eats well and one that doesn't. I call my kids my ying and yang so when one is giving me problems the other soothes me. LOL

#11. You are willing to do stupid dances and voices for them that you wouldn't do for anyone else on the planet just to hear that laugh again.

#12. You get to see birds, flowers, the sandy beach, the ocean and the changing of the seasons for the first time again as your child does. You get the wide eyed wonder of innocence that makes you stop and smell the roses. I love that part.

#13. Spanking them really does hurt you as much as it hurts them. :(

#14. You see your own parents through different eyes and apologize for some of the things that you did as a child.

#15. You realize that your heart really can overflow with love. That you can love someone more than words can say and that you can't imagine what life would be like without them.


Working Gal said...

Other than bedgrudging you your beautiful weather - I agree so much with your list. I would love to teach my kids about the seasons - if we had them! LOL I know I haven't commented in a while, but I've been lurking.

Mike said...

I know what you mean.

I popped The Princess on the butt yesterday and I think I sprained my wrist. My wrist still hurts and she was over it in about 2 minutes.


Angel said...

working gal...if you ever want to visit us here in February we can show you some snow time fun. LOL

Mike... yes, wrists are a casualty of all parents in butt popping. LOL