Finding the slices of heaven.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I am still feeling under the weather but I'm functional. I went to the doctors today but waited 2 hours in the waiting room (holy crap that sucked!) before finding out I have a virus. Hubby urged me to go to make sure I didn't have an infection.

The weather was gorgeous today but is going to go down hill soon. :(

Tomorrow is laundry day, I need to get caught up....woo hoo! Join me in dancing around for joy.


lioux said...

My mom wants me to go to the doctor's too. I've kinda relapsed with the whole mystery illness thing, but I Loathe, Loathe, Loathe going to the doctor.

Angel said...

So, a virus? Any medication or is this a "it must work itself out" kind of virus? I hope you kick it soon!!

I'm doing laundry today soon and our weather went downhill last night. I was outside with the boys enjoying 68 degree weather YESTERDAY EVENING! This morning, it's 29 and HORRIBLY windy. Fun times.

Mike said...

Laundry sucks. I hate it since it is NEVER EVER EVER finished.

God I wish I was a nudist.

lioux said...

Feel Better!!!