Finding the slices of heaven.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A hodge-podge catch up...

I have been away. Did you notice? If you did I feel special, thank you. LOL But I don't expect you to be missing me THAT much. :D

I have been bombarded by new clients and completing projects. Spring has sprung and school is coming to an end. My son is getting spring fever and being a bit of a handful. My daughter had her last day of preschool today *sniffle*. Tomorrow she graduates (tomorrow evening to be precise.) In an effort to have my daughter see these kids one last time because they will split up between at least 4 schools, one private and the other three as zoned in our district I hand out my business cards with my home number on it and tell the mom's I would like to have a small pool party in July for the kids. After I did this I thought, 'OMG, what have I done?' LOL. We'll see how big this gets.

This graduation is particularly sad for me because my son went for two years at this preschool and then my daughter so it's a chapter in my life that is closing and that means my kids are growing too fast for my liking. (can you see a tear in my eye? yes... there is one.)

I'm proud of them both and all that they have learned this year. My son began to learn how to read more words at the beginning of the year and at the end read a 300+ page Harry Potter book in 10 days so color me the proud mama.

My daughter learned how to write her name proficiently and to work scissors like a pro, not to mention numerous other things.

So the end of august I will have a second grader and a kindergartener on my hands and wondering where did the time go already. I know a lot of you have older kids, some graduating high school even. (;-D) So I am using knowing that as a reminder just how fast time does fly.

This spring has been a different one as I'm not planting annuals this year. I ordered and received mini rose bushes so that I won't plant each spring and pull out each fall. I hope they take. Another interesting thing is we have a robins nest on the beam of our deck and three baby heads sticking out. The daddy bird dive-bombs my dog who is clueless and it's amusing.

Hubby bought a basketball hoop for in the ground and is like a kid in a candy store putting it together. He hopes to have my dad help tomorrow evening putting it up after Peanut's graduation.

I get Sat-Monday off for the upcoming holiday and we plan to open the pool WOOO HOOO!!! I bet I'll lose the last 5-10 lbs in there. I just hope my shockingly white skin doesn't blind passerbys in their cars. LOL

So there is a 'catchup' in a nutshell. After work tonight I plan to catch up on all of your blogs, I've missed you all!!! :D


lioux said...


Co-Worker Dan and I have a three day weekend too!

Awesome post.

Dan said...

Angel, welcome back! You're so sweet when you're being a proud mom. :)

Have fun in the pool. I'm sure your shockingly white skin won't be that way for long. Have a great weekend!