Finding the slices of heaven.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Apologies to the masses of the 'Pepper' People

Let me apologize in advance for this post to anyone who might like this group. But this is my blog and while you may not agree, I plan on saying it anyway. *sticks out tongue* (I know, that was juvenile but deal with it. *snicker* Ewww getting little sleep makes Angel snapish? :D )

All I have to say is that I HATE....did I say that word (oh no.....girl... you din't!) Yes I did! Now where was I? Oh yes, I absolutely hate 'Red Hot Chili Peppers.'

Now obviously everyone is entitled to their opinion but this is mine. Ever since they began promoting their latest release the market has been saturated with the 'Chili Peppers'. There is just something about their music, or the voice (I don't know) that rakes on my nerves like Edward Scissor Hands on a dry chalkboard.

*Phew* Glad I got that off my chest.

1 comment:


I concur. They blow.