Finding the slices of heaven.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Number lady!!

The last couple of nights, while making my family dinner I've been singing over and over again:

"Come my lady
Come come my lady
You're my butterfly
Sugar baby"

I just had to look up the rest of the lyrics and the name of the song to learn it's called "Butterfly" by.....who? I have no freakin' clue. I found the lyrics but not the name of the band. *sigh*

I'm off....mommy mobile. Damn those songs stuck in my head. LOL.


Retail Zombie said...

Crazy Town... they are god awful

Retail Zombie said...

Let me guess... at some point this week you watched Orange County.

Angel said...

Crazy town? Hmmm. I don't think I've ever heard the song more than twice.

No I didn't watch Orange County and never have, but something tells me you did. *giggle*. Honestly the song came out of thin air. *shiver*

Retail Zombie said...

Really? That movie was on all this week and during the movie they play that song over and over... oh well

Angel said...

Really.... I must live a sheltered life. LOL. Perhaps I gleened by mental telepathy. :D

lioux said...

My BFF Rachel Loved, Loved, Loved that song.