Finding the slices of heaven.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Holy crapin' rain!!

A freakin' cloud moved in just before trick or treating tonight. It didn't change the kids enthusiasm. They were psyched. Mommy and daddy were a little less than enthused.

They made it to all 64 homes with Daddy's help. Mommy got to hand out candy under an umbrella while talking to a neighbor. And no one brought me a beer. Oh sure, many guys came through with pumpkin candy bins carrying beer bottles. I teased one about having his own treats at hand. We don't have bottles here, our's is on tap. Hubby has it on tap. And I wasn't about to walk back and forth all night.

Awwww hubby's getting me one now. Yum.

The crapin' rain though, kept a lot of kids away and I bought a whole lot of large candy bars. I better send them to other people. I can't do that much time on the treadmill. *giggle* On a good note, the pumpkins stayed lit. I'll post them tomorrow. They turned out awesome. I got many compliments. *smile*

Happy Halloween all!

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