Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Take Seven!

Okay....seventh time this week my daughter has watched "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." Thank God it gets returned tomorrow. I can't handle anymore! I have the musical words "Augustus Gloot, Augustus Gloot a great big greedy nincompoop....."

If you want the tunes swimming in your head too...check it out on

I have it all in my head. I just opened it and my daughter started dancing and laughing. Ugh. I hope they don't ask for the movie from Santa. LOL.


Retail Zombie said...

Geezzz.... I dont know if I could handle watching the old and the new version that many times. Think I would have to opt for a lobotomy.

Angel said...

I hear you. I think I've almost lost it. I shall dance in my car seat while driving to drop the darn thing off. LOL. (which is TODAY!!!)

lioux said...

I am so renting 40 Year Old Virgin tonight.

Angel said...

Do it! Let me know what you think. I won't spoil the ending. *wink*


Willie Wonka! Willie Wonka! Willie Wonka da da da.
Loved Johnny Depp however.