Finding the slices of heaven.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Caruso-matic? I don't think so

I LOVE CSI! Love it! Don't ask me why... and I even find Gill Grissom (William Peterson) quite sexy for a salt 'n pepper haired older man. Yum.

So I watched the other CSI's...Miami and NY. I can't watch New York. I don't know if I'm over saturated or it's the cast or what but I can't. I do watch CSI Miami despite my extreme DISLIKE of David Caruso. I find his method of acting annoying and predictable.

I mean HOW MANY TIMES will he have a one word line while he's angled slightly showing only one side of his face and slide his sunglasses on as the show goes into it's opening song!? I yell every time I see that. I watch the show DESPITE him not because of him. And I find myself saying things like "he says everything looking off to the right of the camera! EVERY TIME! Okay, maybe he slips a left side in but NEVER NEVER NEVER straight on.

You know, I think I should start watching another show or get on the treadmill during that hour. I don't find him sexy in the least and the frustration might not be worth watching the show.


lioux said...

Ugghh, I know what you mean.

I'm a big fan of the Law & Order series (The original & SVU; but NOT Criminal Intent).

I LOOOOVE to HATE Christopher Meloni.


C-W D Does a really great impression of him.


Angel said...

Ahhh I would be torn between laughing and wanting to smack him. *snicker*


Patron St. Denise can't stand David Caruso.
Can't look at him.