Finding the slices of heaven.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Amusing SAHM Moment

I sometimes have moments as a stay at home mom during the week and I think I'll try to post one a week.

This morning my daughter was most amusing. First off she sings alllll the time! She walks around singing songs that she makes up or songs that she hears. It seems that my kids really like Feliz Navidad a lot. My son at her age would sing it and I've tried to teach them the proper words. So this morning she was in the powder room alone singing in her mousey voice:

"Feliz Navidad

Feliz Navidad

Feliz Navidad Prospero año y Felicidad
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas

From the bottom of my heart." And with such flair.

And while that was cute, this moment was the amusing moment of my SAHM day. While she was serinading herself in the bathroom I went about plugging in the train and lights on the real tree in the living room for her since she planned to play with it. I had to put some things away and went through the dining room to the kitchen. She came out of the powder room and entered the living room not knowing I had been there and I heard: "OH Epi (that's my cat's name) You did it!"

I rentered the living room and she said, "Mommy! Mommy! Epi did it! Epi plugged in the tree lights!" I started to laugh because it was so cute. I replied, "No honey. Epi didn't do that, Mommy did." I hated to ruin it but later my daughter might corner the cat and demand she do it again and we can't have a confrontation like that. *chuckle*


Anonymous said...

Very cute, mine are all past that age now :( . Thnaks for your comment on my blog.

Angel said...

I know it goes by fast so I'm trying to enjoy it.

You are more than welcome. I'll try to visit regularly. I know how much I love to have visitors of my own, so thanks for commenting on mine! :D