Finding the slices of heaven.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

The good life

I did drink more than my fair share last night. Hubby held his drinking to a minimum for me. I believe I carried myself well. I was coherent, polite, not slurring my words and considerate. I wasn't a sloppy drunk. I was a flirt but I'm that way sober too. LOL. So today I get to spend with my monkeys.

I told hubby last night, "When we have one of these outings I look forward to going out without the kids. So tell me why as we drive away I miss them horribly?" I did. I was so happy to see them sleeping in their beds last night and to have my daughter come get me this morning. I left hubby sleep in. He rarely gets to do that. So I'm sitting on the loveseat with my two monkeys and happy. Right now life is good. :D

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