Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Pilfered meme

I took this alphabet Meme from Mr. Nice Guy who took it from someone else. I hope I'm not breaking any meme rules but I've seen meme's flying around and have never been tagged so: Tag I'm it. (tag isn't as much fun alone but serves a purpose. LOL)

Alphabet Meme

[A is for age]: 34 (but still feel 18, darn it! Hee hee)
[B is for beer of choice]: I prefer a rum and coke but will drink LaBatts if persuaded
[C is for career]: Interior Designer by education, stay-at-home mom and then dual if I ever find a job.
[D is for favorite Drink]: iced tea (sweetened, thank you.)
[E is for Essential item you use everyday]:
My kitchen. I use it multiple times a day (does that count?)
[F is for Favorite song at the moment]: “Far Away” by Nickleback
[G is for favorite Game]: Attack Uno or Cranium, although at faux gambling I LOVE blackjack.
[I is for Instruments you play]: My voice. And yes, it is an instrument. I used to sing in auditioned groups in high school. I still love to sing.
[J is for favorite Juice]: Orange juice with no pulp, fresh from the fridge over ice.
[K is for Kids]: two. A son 6-1/2 and a daughter 5
[L is for last kiss]: 7:35 am today
[M is for marriage]:
10 years (and 7 months on Christmas day, not that I'm counting. LOL)
[N is for full Name]: My initials are ALP, my maiden initials are ALD
[O is for Overnight hosp stays]: two. One for the birth of each child, otherwise two outpatient surgeries (knee and vocal cords.)
[P is for phobias]: Spiders and driving to some place new alone.
[Q is for quote]: "It's not getting what you want but wanting what you got." It's one I'm trying to live by right now and is from a Sheryl Crow song, I believe.
[R is for biggest Regret]: An online relationship.
[S is for sports]: I love to watch football (well at least my team.) I used to play softball (for 9 years, thus the knee surgery.)
[T is for Time you wake up]: 6:30 am
[U is for color underwear]:
dark pink thong with a bow
[V is for Vegetable you love]: Corn on the cob fresh from the farmer cooked to perfection dripping with butter.
[X is for X-rays you've had]: teeth, knee, back, chest. I think that's it.
[Y is for Yummy food you make]:
I make a chicken dish with cream of mushroom soup, cream of chicken soup and sour cream with some seasoned breadcrumbs and paprika that's served over rice that's a big hit. My baked goods too, since I have a baking business. LOL
[Z is for zodiac sign]: Sagitarian


Anonymous said...

They should tour with Quarterflash.

Angel said...

Are you picking on my choice of music, Lioux? Hmmm.

Thanks for the link to the video. Love it!

I can't wait to see them in March. I'm sooooooo excited.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about breaking the rules ( I have never been tagged either) Cool; answers and yes i agree that we seem to have some things in common.

Angel said...

I'm glad I haven't upset the meme gods. LOL.

I found it interesting that we both performed in 'You're a Good Man Charlie Brown'. It brought back memories.