Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The half listener

I don't think my daughter listens. Correct that, I think my daughter half-listens.

Example just from this week:

When hubby's cousins were in staying the night they have two kids (also cousins but once removed, isn't that confusing?) Their daughter's name was Nicole but when I put my daughter to bed that night she said something I couldn't understand so yesterday, at dinner time, I asked her "what was daddy's cousin's little girl's name?" And she said, "Coin." I looked at her funny and laughed. Then we said, "Her name is Nicole." So my daughter replied, "Yes, nickel." Then it hit me..... nickel......coin! We laughed.

From today:

My daughter was running around the house in her new black "pretty shoes" that I just picked up for her today. She changed into a dress because she loves dresses and had her Barbie lap top, her play purse with a Barbie flip phone and as she approached me she said, "I gotta go, Mommy."

I said, "Okay. You're on a mission."

She replied, "I'll miss you too."

*sigh* Love my peanut. Hee hee.


lioux said...

I'm sorry, were you saying something Angel?

Angel said...

lmao. You are a pecan.

lioux said...

I'm totally nuts!!!