Finding the slices of heaven.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Post Christmas

So it was all in all a great Christmas. Family, feasts and festivities. My kids were smiling like Cheshire cats on Christmas morn. We made it downstairs (they actually slept until after 8 am which ticks my mom off. LOL) They screamed when they saw their piles (yes, piles) from Santa. My daughter sat down and looked at me and then ran to the bathroom with me in toe. There she threw up. Stomach bug got to her. My son is better but she got it, and on Christmas morning. *sigh* my poor peanut.

She felt good enough to open all her things alongside her excited brother and she even screamed for certain items. She made it to my parents with us where we had prime rib (yum) and exchanged some gifts. When she and I were walking to the car she said she was going to be sick so I put her down and she threw up in the grass. She hasn't had more than 6 ritz crackers in a day. *sigh*

She isn't throwing up (yet) this morning but she isn't better yet. We are going back over to my parents house today (they live only 5 minutes away) because my older sister and her kids will be there (with jabba, unfortunately.) We are also trying a new tradition this year called 'dirty santa.' Hmmm. We each buy two $10 gifts and draw numbers. Then we select two gifts (not our own) from the pile and then have the option of stealing one or two gifts from someone else or taking them from the pile as we go. Hubby bought two and I bought two and neither of us know what the other got. LOL. This should be neat.

My younger sister and her hubby were there last night and will be there again today. I'm enjoying visiting with them since they are moving from Akron Ohio to Tampa Florida in 2 days and seeing her will become far too infrequent now. *sniffle*

Hubby got me a ton of great things (including design and drafting software for my laptop *claps hands*) and 400 thread count sheets I've been wanting. He got a reciprocating saw (that should help us finish the basement....ourselves John *wink*.) We all got MP3 players from Santa and hubby and I bought a 15 inch LCD tv/monitor for cheapo cheapo on black friday. We have no idea where to put it. The office? By my garden tub? LOL.

Well, I'm off to put 100+ stickers on my daughter's huge 'Loving Family' doll house.

Of course I wish my daughter wasn't sick but at least it is a small illness and not something serious. For that I'm grateful.


Rachel Emma said...

Hi Angel,
Happy Christmas to you and your family i'm glad you are having a good time and i'm sorry your daughter is sick i hope she feels better soon. I wish you all a Happy New Year and happiness throughout the new year.

Take Care,
Rachel Emma

Rachel Emma said...

P.s i'm sorry i haven't commented for a while i have been having a few problems publishing comments for some reason but it let me do it today which is good.

Take Care,
Rachel Emma

lioux said...

Sounds like an awesome time.

My nephiouxs had the stomach bug, too.

Sally said...

Glad you had a good Christmas (with the exception of the throwing up, of course!). We had a great time, too...but I'm still too tired to blog about it yet! =) Soon, though...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great day . I am sorry your little one was not feeling well (no fun at all) Stomach bugs are the worst

Angel said...

Rachel Emma: thank you she does feel better. I understand the whole 'trouble commenting' that is so frustrating. I'm glad you had a lovely holiday too.

Lioux: I had an awesome Christmas! I even got an Interior Design software for my computer. I can't wait to load it in (today.) Sorry your nephiouxs had it too. I think it blew in from Chicago where Dramamama's kids had it first. Can an illness do that? Hmmmm puzzlement.

Sally: I'm glad you had a great holiday too. And the best part for you is you have until the New Year to recooperate. LOL. I hope your time off rocks!

Finished Last (Mr. Nice Guy): It was a great day. In fact it was a fantastic holiday. Even though my kids worked through the illness they were troopers and still enjoyed the holiday. I count my blessings that it was a stomach bug that they recovered from quickly and not something serious. I hope you had a great one too!