Finding the slices of heaven.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Party lady!

Today my daughter has a friends b-day party that I forgot about until last night. Eeeek.

And we offered to have a New Years Eve get together at our house this year just yesterday. Ever since we have had kids going out on the town for New Years Eve has been out so we usually spend it with family. Last year it was just 4 of us here at home and it was quiet. This year my parents are invited and my older sister and her boyfriend (jabba). I wish little sis could be here.

Speaking of little sis, she and her hubby were to start driving with all their shit halfway to Tampa. Unfortunately she woke up and started to vomit. EEeek. I'm sure she blames us for taking my daughter to the house Christmas sick. But I've handled all the glorious throw up and have yet to get it so I figured it was a kids illness. My hubby thinks there is divine intervention telling them to not move. LOL. My BIL's car is acting up these last few days, Christmas morning the community they are renting in had 60 homes flattened by a tornado (I shit you not) and now her getting sick. Perhaps he's right.

So now I'm off to a few stores to buy a present, groceries and party food. Look out, Party Lady coming through! hee hee.


lioux said...

That is a bizzare series of coincidences. Hmmm.

For the past few years my band Sister Kisser®™©™ has played New Years Eve Shows; but we're taking a break this year and I think I'm going to have a very mellow eve alone.

Anonymous said...

heading off to friend's here for NYE. being the party animal you are I am sure yours will be outstanding.

Angel said...

Yes Lioux, a bizzare series of coincidences. LOL. She was sick all day yesterday and they were to get from Akron to S. Carolina just before Georgia yesterday evening. Instead they were on the road around 9 am this morning. I will not feel settled inside until I hear that they arrived safely. Towing his Volvo on the back of a 28' truck and her driving with her meowing cats makes me worry.

Finished last... Party animal? LOL. Have you seen me at the dance club dancing on the bar before? hee hee. I hope you have a wonderful time with your friends. All our close friends live out of town or state. *sigh*

I have just got home about 15 minutes ago.... I'm pooped and yet I'm heading back out in an hour. *sigh*

lioux said...

Sister Kisser®™©™ just played an Akron club over the summer. It was awesome.

Angel said...

Akron or the show? I'm sure the show was awesome. My sister hated I hope she likes Florida.

I sooooo have to see you guys live. If you ever find yourselves withing 20 miles of Pittsburgh please email me through this blog and tell me. Please please!!! I will so be there bearing cookies...wait that sounded bad. I will be there with baked cookies for you. *smile* That's better. Hee hee.

lioux said...

The show was cool. We weren't in town very long, we had to play Detroit the next night.

We had some pretty horrible pizza in Akron.

And trust me, if and when we're in you're area, you'll be the first to know.

Have an Awesome New Year's.

Angel said...

Ewwww Detroit. Fun Fun.

Yuck. I didn't think there was such a thing as horrible pizza.

I think I'd be like the 5th to know. hee hee.

Yioux tioux, Lioux!!!