Finding the slices of heaven.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Shopping, Wind and Blonde moments

Okay, so after picking up my daughter monkey (also known as peanut) we went out for lunch at her favorite restaurant (Burger King) and then went shopping. I love to shop. Love it but I hate to spend money. Weird, I know. I got some items to make a new decoration, I got some gifts for my nephews (one born just before Thanksgiving) and some other odds and end items. I had my best shopping buddy with me (my daughter monkey) she sings in the stores and oohhhhs and awwwws all the things on display. She was happy because she got to see her grandma (my mom) who was working at a local store.

Let me tell you the wind is a bitch today. It has gusts up to 30 mph and why!? Tell me why this happens on GARBAGE DAY? We recycle here in my town everything! Right down to toilet paper rolls. And my garbage trucks have all come except for recyclables. My daughter keeps screaming "our garbage can!!" and I have to run out (three times now) to pick the damned thing up and chase the f'ing cardboard, boxes, cans, milk jugs down the street like a freakin' goof ball.

And then I have a new phone system here with voicemail but in a blonde moment I put the new books on how to work it 'somewhere I'd NEVER FORGET." Did you ever do that? Yep, me too and I ALWAYS FORGET where I put it. So, I have a message and I can't remember how to retrieve it. *sigh* GRRRRR.


Angel said...

Well, your instruction manual is probably with all of my instruction manuals where we'll never forget. So tell me, how to two anal OCD inflicted women constantly misplace things like this? Hmmm? It's an enigma.

Sounds like a nice day with your daughter. I used to have days like that with AJ when he was a baby... and then with both boys... during the summer of course when life is EASIER!

Angel said...

I hope you have days with them like that now. I hope things get easier babe.

I have drawers for my manuals, labeled "Furniture", "electronics", and then one for each kid's items....blah blah blah. This has been sitting on my office desk forever and then....I cleaned the office. :(

I shall find it. My cookie exchange 7 dozen cookies have been made and delivered so I'm back in my jammies and ready to clean, laundrify and find that DAMNED manual!

I don't know why we constantly misplace things. Perhaps we are tooooooooooo organized that we crossed over the line to unorganized (complete flip.) LOL

Angel said...
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