Finding the slices of heaven.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Under the weather

Just when I thought I had beaten the *cough* illness, it's back. *sigh*

I feel just aweful. I know it didn't help that I just walked around 7 stores about 4 times. I'm sitting on my loveseat feeling like a sicky sick sick and not wanting to budge. Worse yet my son sounds like he's getting it again too and hubby just informed me that he's getting sick. Do you know what that means? Yes, I can get better later. For now I'll have to be nurse maid to my boys.

For now I'll sit on the loveseat and leave the shopping bags in the kitchen. Maybe I'll get enough strength to......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


John said...

So sorry you're sick. Was your shopping trip a success?

Angel said...

I'm not sick sick yet. I vow to fight it off. LOL.

I was able to cross off half the people on my list. Thanks for asking, John.

I think I'm just run down from a late night with my unexpected guests. I'll be fine in no time. Nothing a little TLC won't fix. ;)

lioux said...

I Love, Love, Love The Learning Channel.

Feel better. Keep fighting the good fight.

Angel said...

Feel better! We all had it a few weeks ago. I was out shopping today myself, with MIL. She bought me lunch and a pair of shoes for hubs holiday party next week. I'm stuffed and can't wait to dress up next week! WOOT!

I hope you don't get sick!