Finding the slices of heaven.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

75% better

By 4pm today and now I'm feeling 75% better than at my worst today. I feel like such a slacker having laid in bed most of the day and had taken a bath. I finally felt well enough to go to the grocery store and then get dinner and clean some floors. I did get a few more things done this evening as well so I feel I wasn't a complete waste. Now I know I wasn't feeling good and shouldn't feel badly about relaxing, I just hate wasting a day and losing the enjoyment of a day off.

I had to reschedule my appointment due to the weather but my migraine would have been a more obvious obstacle for me. Tomorrow we plan to meet and I hope it works out. I also have a few phone calls I ignored today to return.

What's amazing to me now is realizing that 75% better is wonderful, I can't imagine being 100% better. I realize that I took feeling fine for granted and since I haven't had a migraine like this since December, I think, I forgot how great it was to feel good. I shall try to make sure I don't forget again.

Thank you all for the well wishes!! [[[hugs]]] to you all! <3


lioux said...


I'm glad you're feeling better!

And I totally know what you mean. I value ANY free time I get between Company, Inc. and Sister Kisser®™©™ and the last thing I want to spend it is being sick.

I should actually tell you about the time Sister Kisser®™©™ was doing a live radio performance and I was sooo sick I could barely stand up in the studio.

Angel said...

Lioux.... thanks for the yay! You are too cute. I am feeling so spectacular today that I can't help but smile. I spent time out and about and just smiled at everyone. Love it.

Do tell *listening intently*... email me when you get a breather or tell me some day should your band play lowly Pittsburgh because I will be there, Sister Kisser banner in hand! hee hee.