Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Photo catchup

This is peanut's Valentine box. A My little pony house.
Another view of the masterpiece.
5 year old goldfish. His name is Shaggy but I call him 'Jason'. If I could put a hockey mask on this fish you'd get the idea. LOL
My daughter with my mittens on her feet.
This was how she was dressed. Sorry I didn't flip the photo. Darn lap top is malfunctioning and I'm on the ancient PC.
My daughter before her Valentine's day Party at preschool.Peanut and her daddy before the Valentine Ball. She was sick but the dance was a friday night and the girls took their daddies and the boys took their mommies. They encourage you going to dinner and my daugther selected the oh so fine cuisine of Burger king. There is a DJ at the dance and coursages plus professional photos. It's cute and the boy and I went both years he went to that school. This was our last ball. *sniffle*
My son's birthday party and wearing a gift from his aunt pammy.
I'd say he liked his bike from mom and dad.
His b-day cake ala Angel. I don't decorate cakes well. But it tasted fantastic. That red thing is supposed to be flames. I know. I screwed up.... he told me. LOL

My son in the black shirt and his friend at his kid's b-day party.
My son is hugging the girl he likes at his party and my daughter snuck into the pic.
My son and one of his best buds at the party.
Here is the motley crew of birthday bowlers. I gave all the kids a copy of this picture in their thank you as an additional favor.Nickelback night. It was in the 70's and glorious. My son snapped this picture of hubby and I before grandma and PapPap showed up to babysit.
There .... I'm caught up on photos. I'll do a video in the near future (stop complaining Dan. LOL)

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