Finding the slices of heaven.

Friday, March 09, 2007


So I should have called it haircut heck but you weren't there people and didn't have to try to decipher what she was saying because her broken russian/english was difficult to understand. And you weren't there to hear me say, "Are you going to dry it to flip up?" and was answered with, "oh...Oh here..." and she picks up scissors. WTF?

While I don't look like I was attacked by a pack of wild rabid dogs it was still stressful ... so there *sticks out tongue*


Dan said...

:P <-- that's me sticking my tongue back at you!

:) <-- and that's me smiling.

Angel said...

;D.... funny! <---- that's me chuckling.

Terry said...

Rant all you want to girlfriend!! After all, it happened to you and I do feel your pain... I had several inches lopped off once and I was traumatized beyond belief!!!

lioux said...

>: ( <---- Here's me damning Dan.

(Co-Worker Dan; not Fan and Reader Dan).

Angel said...

Terry.... so you felt my pain? I'm still debating whether I contact the manager. Each time I fix it I contemplate it. I might today.

Lioux... LOL... that's a new one for me! And why would you damn anyone but Dan? I mean really.


You went to a RUSSIAN stylist?
I mean, when I hear, Russian, I don't think of stylish.
I think you might have to take some of the blame just for that! Glad you're over your severe hair trauma.
I think Elmer Fudd suffers from that.
No, that would be hare trauma.