Finding the slices of heaven.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Love affair with David Caruso continues... (not)

So those of you who have endured my blog for some time (god bless you for your patience and unexplained loyalty) will know how I feel about David Caruso. For those of you who do not... see THIS POST....

Well I have STRONG feelings about his 'style' of acting, if that's what it's called. And my buddy Lioux even sent me a funny thing to my myspace page (to make me laugh or to annoy me? A little of both?) Anyway....

Last night I was wired and not ready to sleep. Not only that I was starving. For some reason on nights I work I don't eat much dinner and end up famished by nights end and so a nice bowl of Cocoa pebbles (healthy huh?) was in order. I decided to take it upstairs to my room to watch some TV as hubby dozed off. I flipped around a lot between HGTV, Fox News, David Letterman and Jay Leno. Not much was going on that intrigued me and yet I wouldn't turn it off yet. Jim Carey came onto David Letterman and I'm always amazed how much my one BIL (Rob) looks like him. I watch his interview because of that and because he's funny, until a commercial break. Then I flip around yet again. When I flip back to see what he's commiserating about now I find this......

OMG.... I nearly peed my pants or at least almost woke hubby up. I told him about it but it didn't do it justice so I showed him. I was somehow not surprised that entering Jim Carey David Caruso and David Letterman would find it. But I'm glad I did because it was funny


Sally said...

Hilarious!!! Since I'm always in bed snoozing before Letterman comes on...I appreciate you sharing! =)

Angel said...

Freaking funny... hilarious... I love it!

Love Bears All Things said...

Okay, I watched the youtube then had to go to CSI Miami's site to see what all the fuss was about since I don't watch it. The clip I watched was A Grizzly Murder. You think David Caruso is hot, is that right? Hummm

Love Bears All Things said...

Okay let me rephraise that comment. I went back and read your post(which I should have done in the beginning)on David Caruso's acting. Duh! Now I get it. Jim Carey had it all, didn't he?

Terry said...

OMG.... I hate hate HATE his "style", but you did forget to mention in the earlier post..

"Always drop your head and tilt to one side"...


Great Clip, BTW!!!!!!

Angel said...

Sally.... I thought it was LOL funny! NP

Drama... hee hee, I know.

MamaBear...OMG...NOOOOO!!! I do NOT think David Caruso is hot (unless he's wearing black and sitting in the Miami sun but not in the yummy hot sense.) I find him to be not attractive at all and his acting style like a charicature of extreme acting (like William Shatner.) Just the set the record straight. *shiver* I don't think he's attractive.

And don't worry about not reading the other post. I'm such a talker lol... no worries. Besides, I do that all the time. Hee hee.

Terry... true dat true dat, a slight oversight. I am finding his style comical and apparently so does Jim Carey, which is awesome!!

lioux said...


That was so annoying!

And funny.

Dan said...

Very funny stuff. Jim Carey is a riot. I sat in back of him in high school. I taught him everything he knows about comedy.

And then I woke up.