Finding the slices of heaven.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Mr. Clean and Mr. Sun

The next 7 days show highs in the 40's and 50's Woo hoo! That's all I'm sayin'.

Today is clean like a little freak day and I'm off and running with the sun streaming in the windows. ;-) Okay they're calling for some rain but by next wednesday we might see 64 degrees. :D

So forgive me as I float through my house...


lioux said...


One Halloween I went as Mr.Clean®™©™.

I brought a mop and everything.

Terry said...

Hey Chic, It was 78 degrees when I got home yesterday!! Okay so that is almost typical for where I live, but I couldnt help rubbing it in!! Enjoy the heat wave!!

Ginger said...

Yep, in the 70's everyday here now. Beautiful blue skies and sunshine. Everything is turning green. Pear trees should start blooming in a few days.