Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The sun is a deceiver!!

Yes it's sunny and I love it! But it's deceiving to see the sun shining beautifully and then step out into the frigid air. Still, I won't fully complain.

Today I spent time at Starbucks. I had an appointment scheduled but when I checked my cell phone voicemail the client needed to reschedule..... again. So I have until Monday but that gives me a breather from the hectic pace I've been moving at. Woo hoo to that!

Also at Starbucks I was able to take the time to review my novel quickly and decide how to revamp and practically rewrite most of it to make it better. I am determined to get it well enough to not only be picked up by a publisher but to fly off shelves in the erotica section. lol.

With a few 'to do' lists written up and a few phone calls I feel like I accomplished a lot.

I also did a good deed of the day. A man was at Starbucks with his two young kids (6 and under, I overheard.) They were wound up and rambunctious and driving their dad up a wall as he tried to meet with two other guys. After he seemed quite frazzled I looked into my Calvin Klien bag of mommy tricks and found two small boxes of restaurant crayons and grabbed some paper and offered them to him for his kids. He seemed genuinely appreciative and it managed to calm them for the remainder of his appointment. But they did break a few making him embarassed to admit it to me. I replied that I he could keep them and I wasn't the least bit worried. He thanked me again and left as I wished them a good day. I better scrounge for more of those crayons for my kids to keep the monsters at bay. LOL.


lioux said...

Sounds like you're having an AWESOME day.

Angel said...

I am having an awesome day, Lioux, thank you. It probably can be attributed mostly with enjoying not having a headache. Feeling good makes for an awesome day!

lioux said...


Angel said...

That is so cool! I love doing things like that for people... although I have never done that exact thing! Good for you!

LID said...

I have tons of restaurant crayons from the Mommy... I'll send you some if you need them... WTG A! Nice Job!

Mike said...

WTG A squared! Nice people are jsut so nice to have around.

Angel said...

Drama... it was fun but I worried I was being presumptious or pushy. He looked so frazzled. LOL I've been there.

Long Island dad... are you going to hook me up? Are you my crayon pusher... *scraching arms* hee hee. That would be awesome. I need to find more. I want to take some to florida but not a huge bucket. But I have until mid April. LOL

Mike... Thanks cubed. I wouldn't call me 'nice' but thank you. I just sypathized... been there. LOL