Finding the slices of heaven.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Haircut hell...

I got my haircut and without going into the gory details she wouldn't put the freakin' scissors, razor, timmers down. I know my hair was long. I know I needed some layers for lift but then she couldn't get it to flip and I was so stressed my tummy hurt.

So here is a video and while I know it isn't like edward scissor hands attacked me it isn't what I wanted and is only choppy because I did it. Please lie to me and say I look good. *sigh*


lioux said...

Awww. You seem so upset.


It's totally cute. Maybe you're just not used to playing with it yet?

I had an ex-boyfriend who did hair and I let him trim my hair once.


He CUT six inches off.

I was so angry. I can relate.

I know you mentioned that your stylist had left that salon, is this a person you could track down?

Once you find a good stylist that your happy with, stick with them. I'm sorry you had such a stressful experience.


OMG! What hell happened?! Are you going to sue?
You look like like someone attacked you with a weed wacker? Who does your hair? Black & Decker?
You're not going out in public like that are you?
I only hope your children aren't too traumatized by this horrific vision that used to be their mother!
Just kidding nutjob. It looks great and you look great.
Stop being so damn paranoid.

Angel said...

Lioux ...I'm not sure if I can or not. I know I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but I have come to find if a hairstylist has hip hair she'll cut hip hair and if she doesn't... well... I didn't think that as deeply before she cut my hair today but now I do.

TW.... I know you were more than likely kidding but I must be a freaky mess today because tears were welling in my eyes. Nutjob..... *shiver* But thanks for the 'you look great' at the end. Such a lovely back handed compliment. *chuckle*

lioux said...

Co-Worker Dan is a jerkface.

But seriously, if the experience was that unpleasant and upsetting I would NOT go back to her.

I've had the same stylist for years now and she loves to do my hair. And I trust her completely. Better yet, her salon is only a half a block from my apartment.

When I went to have that makeover like 2 years ago, when I cut it all off, she practically refused to do it.

I think it was the experience for you that was more upsetting to you than the result. I think you look great. Once you start playing with and styling it yourself I'm sure you'll feel much better.

lioux said...

And have an Awesome Weekend.


Of course I was kidding. You look terrific and I don't know what you're going on about. If every woman looked as sexy as you after what they felt was a bad haircut, well us guys would all be walking around with woodies 24/7. Snap out of it.

Sally said...

Angel, It looks great!

But, I totally understand the frustration with hair stylists! I think it's WAY harder to find a good stylist than to find a good doctor.

Just a couple questions...have you washed it and styled it yourself yet? That always makes a difference for me. I don't usually like how the stylist does it. And, I agree with Lioux...find that stylist that you like!! Someone at the old salon has to know where she went!!

The first place I went to after I went to KS totally jacked up my hair...see this post...

So, know that we think it looks great...don't stress...hang in it yourself and see what you think...and find that stylist you like!! And's'll grow back! =)

Dan said...

You look beautiful! The hair is perfect. Now stop worrying about it and go out and have a terrific weekend!

Angel said...

Lioux... he was trying to be sweet in a bitter kind of way. LMAO. I knew where he was coming from, albeit a bit of tough love. I might have to track the stylist down, she's friends with a neighbor I don't see often. I'll ponder that. Sorry I missed saying 'have a great weekend'... I had to get ready for work. You too!!

TW... ummmm it was 2 inches shorter than I wanted, the layers were too short and... *sigh* I know I don't look horrific but the extra length gone and experience in her cutting, cutting...and I HAD to tell her to put the scissors down. But thank you. I'll stop.

Sally... thank you. I will check out your post. You know the kicker is that I haven't had a style since the summer because of my sister's wedding and then I had to save the money up and this is the experience I get. *sigh* I'll find a new stylist but one that speaks english and hopefully the one I liked.

Dan...hello and nice to meet you. Thank you for the compliment and well wishes. ;-)

Angel said...

First impression is it's SO cute! I love it!

It's hard to see the back but it did look a tad "butchered". But don't take that seriously... I just couldn't see much of it until you turned your head.

Sweets you look so sad!! I just want to hug you!!

Honestly, I think your haircut is way way cute!!!

Love Bears All Things said...

Are you feeling better about your haircut? Some people are dangerous with sissors! And then you have to pay them, why? I understand how you feel.

Terry said...

Oh Sweetie, you seemed so upset!! I think it looks fine and it will grow back with time...

I hate the whole stylist situation.. I have chased my stylist to 3 different salons, because I just kind find a suitable replacement!! Mine is now 45 minutes away, but worth the drive!!

Sally is right, once you wash and style it yourself, things will be better!!

Angel said...

Drama... that woman couldn't make it flip. I knew she had no clue (compared to my fav stylist) because she was going to use a curling iron. I'm no stylist but a round brush and hair dryer is all I needed. I got it choppy but still the shortest layer is over 1 inch shorter than I wanted. I'm writing a letter to the salon because for 20 minutes I told her it was too short but she kept cutting. I can make it choppy but am very unhappy. Very.

Mamabear... no, I'm very unhappy. I know I don't look like a freak but it is NO WHERE near what I wanted and I tried to stop her before it got worse. *sigh* but I'll survive. I hate to complain about things but sometimes a person must yet I will still try to be a pleasant complainer.

Terry... I need to track my stylist before I get mine cut again. My daughter was scheduled to have her hair cut after me but I pulled the appointment after my nightmare. I was able to style it but was near tears when I saw that it looked nothing like the photo I showed her. I'd take a comparison pic but I don't know if it would really be a good representation.

Anonymous said...


- O