Finding the slices of heaven.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Questions.. Statements and general confusion

Today I worked an 8 hour shift and other than the contacts bothering me I had a good day. From there we ate at Applebees (which will be one of our last visits there because it was subpar.) Next stop.. the mall. I had coupons for Vic. Secret and got some free things and discounts on some things but found out they missed one coupon so I will be calling the store tomorrow (darn it it's a long drive there so I hope they can help me over the phone....grrrrr....)

THEN we went into a bag store because I wanted to look at laptop bags. Well. We found hubby the most awesomist laptop/briefcase on wheels for all his legal blah blah blah with a handle to spare his shoulder when he walks from one side of town (where he parks) to the other (where he works.) I was more excited than he was by the purchase. Next time we get me a bag but he shleps more stuff farther more often than I so it was exciting. Next week I believe I'll get my retainers that will more than pay for both the Vic. Secret purchase and the bag and then some (other bills.) By the end of April we'll be looking at a car for mmmmmmeeeeeee. woo hoo.

Now for the question...did I ever post the pics of the valentine boxes? I'm generally confused and apparently forgetting a lot lately. I need to organize my brain. *sigh*

I hope all my bloggy friends are fan-tab-u-licious!!!


Sally said...

Um, never did post those V-Day boxes...did your kids ever get to use those boxes?? since school was out so much??

lioux said...

I'm not a very big fan of Applebees.

Damn them.

Dan said...

THEN we went into a bag store because I wanted to look at laptop bags.

I've never shopped at the Bag Store, but I have a question. When you buy something there, do they bag it for you? And if so, do they charge you for that bag?

Angel said...

Sally.... Darn, I'll remedy that. Slacker Angel.

Lioux... Well we have scratched Applebees and Outback from our fav list.

Dan...It was called 'Franklin Covey' and hubby got a laptop/courtbag on wheels. And YES they bagged it and if they charged me for that bag it was hidden in the price. LOL. Funny observation