Finding the slices of heaven.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Suckity suck suck

Today is my day off (a second in a row but yesterday I had to go in for a furniture seminar so is that a day off? LOL) Well today I was going to meet a client in the store on my own time to show her the progress and get her the contract to sign and write me a nice big retainer check. I was ready last night. I had worked and worked to prepare everything and was ready.

We went to sleep last night expecting some snow in the morning but only about 2-4 inches were projected. That's not a lot so nothing was thought of it. Hubby had a doctor appointment this morning so that meant he could sleep in a bit and we'd be getting ready together. He got up to go to the bathroom before I was going to shower and for some reason I asked him to check the local station that tells us if school is delayed or blah blah blah, just precausionary really because we were only getting a few inches. To my horror and dismay school was delayed. That meant my daughter's preschool was cancelled, don't ask me why that's the rule but it is. She only goes Wed-friday so I know she'll be upset. Heck I'm upset. My appointment with my client was set for 9 am and my son wouldn't catch the bus until 10 am so the time would no longer work. I called her and rescheduled it for tomorrow morning. *sigh*

Then hubby and I go out to shovel the driveway and sidewalk. Originally he told me to stay in hoping for a hot breakfast from me upon returning in but I told him I needed the exercise and he agreed because we'd get done in half the time.

As it turns out we got about 3-4 inches of really light snow. The roads looked great and we shoveled our butts off. We got in and hubby only had 20 minutes to get showered, eat and get to the doctors. He's going for a blood pressure checkup so shoveling a driveway and running around the house isn't good pre-doctor activities.

I whipped out some scrambled eggs with cheese and toast (he never gets a big breakfast on week days but I thought I'd spoil him.) While making the breakfast my mom calls. We chat and she feels badly that my appointment had to be rescheduled. Then she says 'yeah too bad they closed school."

"What!? Mom, you're kidding me, right?" I mean she is a jokester.

"Sorry, honey. No I'm not."

"Shit." Now I practically never swear and 99.9% don't swear in front of my mom but she understands where it's coming from. It's my day off and I still have my mirgraine and having both kids with cabin fever running around would be tough. I love my kids and haven't seen enough of them since starting my job so I consider it somewhat positive (although right now they are screaming and crying upstairs....*sigh*)

There goes my plans to meet with a client, get a fat retainer check and then sit at Starbucks starting to revamp my novel for an hour waiting for preschool to let out. I will no longer plan to go to Starbucks because I kid you not, each time I have school has closed. Cosmic forces at work prohibiting Angel from rest and adult time? I don't know but I will go on the fly baby!

Holy suckity suck suck today folks. Where is my ibuprofen, I'm almost in tears from the pain.


Angel said...

I share in your suckiness... read mine for today.

Although not AS bad as yours, I do have the headache and cranky children. Just the no snow part and no job part.

Angel said...

*sigh* sorry your day sucks too. hang in there.

lioux said...

It totally know what Suckfest '07 is like.

Sorry your day isn't all that you planned.

Anonymous said...

Hugs and warm wishes sweetie.

Mike said...

My brain hurts, too. Is this the line for whining or the line for crying?

Angel said...

Finished last.... thank you sweetie. I am feeling better now. Pain meds and good friends always help.

Mike... I bet. You have a big week to prep for the BIG trip. This is the 'bitch moan and complain' line. The crying is to the right and the whining is to the left. Take your pick bud.

Terry said...

WOW, I feel so guilty!! My week was absolutely fantabulous!! But I am sure you were all getting tired of my whining about those trailers anyways!!

Hope all is better for everyone!!