Finding the slices of heaven.

Monday, March 19, 2007

A new phenomenon

I have discovered a new and disturbing phenomenon in my area in the realm of lawn decoration. For some time I was aware of one house that subscribed to this phenomenon but on the way home from the airport last week (once I got back on track) I noticed a new culprit.

Well I think it should stop and should NEVER have started. What is this phenomenon? It's using bathroom fixtures as lawn decorations. Yes, I said that. Read it again. What do I mean by 'bathroom fixtures'? Well, in my parents housing (plan as we call them) community I drive by this house and in their front lawn, in a planting bed beside a large tree is a claw and ball foot tub painted red outside and filled with dirt and in the summer months flowers. Yes.... a tub. I have grown annoyingly accustomed to seeing it but the mere idea irks me to this day. So as I drove home from my fun excursion last Wednesday what do my wondering and weary eyes see? A toilet with the lid up and flowers in the bowl. Not real ones now, mind you since it's winter and it snowed again but fake ones. A toilet. A TOILET!!

People! These are not attractive lawn ornamentations! They do NOT enhance the beauty or asthetics of your homes exterior. It makes you look like you're starting your own spin off of 'Sanford and Sons'. I am an extremest though. I believe any lawn ornamentation falls under my catergory of 'lawn junk'. I know some people do a sphere or flag an all of that. If done in minimal doses it doesn't bother my senses and who am I to say what is good for all? I know what is good for me... flowers and shrubs. Okay during thanksgiving and halloween I put out a scare crow and pumpkins but minimally. At christmas I put out lights on my shrubs but in true OCD fashion they are on nets and neatly organized. For Easter I put eggs on our Cleveland pear but that's about it.

One thing I find to be completely UNACCEPTABLE to my discriminating eye is a tub, toilet or (and I bet there is a house out there that has this next one) pedastal sink in the front lawn filled with ANYTHING is wrong. These are bathroom items, plain and simple people. Put them back in your bathroom please.


lioux said...

You probably wouldn't like my shower pot then.

Anonymous said...

What do you think of the car up on blocks fixture that's so popular around here?

Angel said...

Lioux...I probably wouldn't and to that you can say 'who are you to judge, Angel?' and I'd accept that. I just have my preference.

Finished last... Ummm that isn't allowed in our PRD community as per the bylaws. LOL I'm not sure I dig that either.

John said...

Sounds like the tub and toilet should be outlawed. They are in homeowners association developments, which is why I don't mind giving up some of my freedom.

I can take the decorative flags, so long as there is only one. I've even thought of getting one myself.

But I never did ;-)

Love Bears All Things said...

I too have seen a comode with flowers planted in it. Yuck!! But I've seen worse.
I put out my flags today for Easter. A little one tastefully done with a cross and a large one that says Happy Easter. And I put a little grey bunny on the porch surounded by eggs.

Angel said...

John...I have nothing against flags and all that. I have an american flag on my back deck. I have nothing against the front flags, they just aren't my style but I can appreciate nice ones as I drive by. Do let me know if you get one and show me a pic. Just never NEVER put a tub in your front yard. LOL

Mama bear... I didn't decorate for valentines day, I hope I don't forget Easter. LOL. We will be traveling after Easter.

Mike said...

OK, I'll admit to wanting a toilet planter. But I was a drunken college kid and my buddy had one in his dorm room with a really pointy cactus in it.

Now? No thanks. Keep it in Pennsylvania, OK?