Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Cautious joy...

I'm not bragging or doing some freaky weird warm weather jig to curse us to freezing and snow again but I just wanted to say I got my mail today in my barefeet and no coat 'cause it's 42 out. *contain joy because you know much rain is coming along with flood warnings* Warm is nice. When 42 feels warm you know you've seen cold temperatures. Sheesh.


Working Gal said...

It was 42 when I got on the bus this morning, and WINDY! Think of that - at least for a moment you were tied with AZ!

lioux said...

I can't wait for spring!!!

Mike said...

I won't tell you that we had to turn on the air conditioner earlier this week, since it was too damn hot in here.

I won't tell you, becasue that would be like putting salt on the wounds of frostbite...

Love Bears All Things said...

Yes, cold is relevent. My spouse is known to comment often on the fact that when we lived in Pittsburg we thought 42 was a warm day but here in the south we think its cold. I remember when we had those "warm" days with the sunshine, we'd go out for long walks. So enjoy the warm days.Mama Bear

Angel said...

Working gal... cool. Right now (9:56 pm) it's raining but 44. 44!! Color me surprised.

Lioux... I hope we have a spring.. and I can't wait either. Daffodils are poking through the snow. Woo hoo!

Mike... You are just Mr. meany meany pants and I won't tell you that I think you stink like imported cheese. LOL.... boy am I loopy and tired. I just got done with work. But I won't tell you I think you're a meany pants or that When it's that hot here we spend almost the whole day in our pool. Nope, I won't do that.

Mama Bear... Yes, here in Pittsburgh we have to grab hold of the silver lining and say "awww look how pretty" because partyy cloudy and cold is par for the winter course. In spring when things are green and colorful you'll see us all squinting at the abundance of color.. it hurts our eyes.

Terry said...

I have recently had to turn on the AC in the Big Truck... While it was mid-40s, the sun blazing down on the windshield gave me the false impression of warmer temperatures....

My tulips are about 3 inches tall....*clapping*