Finding the slices of heaven.

Friday, March 16, 2007

SAH'ers do not get...

A day off.

What is that? I don't know. I may never know again. I love being a SAHM and I love being a Designer but combine the two and I'm a bit stressed. I'm dealing and doing my best.

Today was to be my 'day off'. I don't have to go into the store for a seminar or client meeting so I was somewhat the master of my day, right? Well....not exactly. My son is home sick again today and I'm regretting thinking he might be sick right now as he is driving me nuts. My daughter has a fever and this morning hubby and I went to her preschool for her parent/teacher conference. I took the first appointment of the morning so hubby could be there and go straight into work (for his sake.)

My daughter wouldn't have school due to the appointment.

Then the ice pellets started to fall and then snow mixed in with it. Our meeting went well and I'm proud of my daughter. I am surprised to learn that my daughter is shy in class. That might mean she pays better attention than my son does sometimes so it isn't all bad. After that meeting we got home and the roads were a bit slick.

Hubby asked if he stayed home would he ruin my day off. My biggest mistake was by not saying 'no you wouldn't ruin it.' I paused. I should have said, 'no you won't ruin it but I have a ton to do and tend to put it off if you're home and I thought you had a ton of work to do in the office.' What I said was 'I was hoping to get a ton of stuff done. That did it. He was hurt and upset. He presumed I meant that he would ruin my day but HE said that not me. *sigh* Anyway, he left for work only to turn around and come home since the first main road he drove on he slid down in Wolfee.

So he's home, my kids are home, my house is being ransacked and despite getting cleaning done I feel I'm not accomplishing a thing. I have some pricing to do for a client and a note to fax to the store. Day off? What is that? *sigh*


lioux said...

Sounds like another "Day Different"!

My sister Amioux is a SAHM.

Angel said...

I realized that in my rant I made it sound like a SAH'er is the only busy person out there. I feel badly about that. I know each person has obligations and things that bog them down.

It is another 'Day Different' and even though my parents are in Florida they are stressing me. I'll blog about it in a bit.

I'm sure she does a great job, your sister. She's related to you so that tells me enough. You seem to do great with your many jobs. :D

Angel said...

No, I understood you. Working mom's have it a lot tougher, in my opinion and now you are one of them!

I hope you get to relax and sit back sometime this weekend!

Anonymous said...

No rest for the ...uh.. weary. Hope you still have a good day.

Mike said...

I think drama is right. I can't keep up now and I really can't imagine trying to keep up around here if we were both trying to go to work every day.

Angel said...

Drama... I'm glad it didn't come off badly.

Finished last... for the... uh weary? LOL Funny man. Or the wicked either, huh? hee hee.

Mike... it is a tough adjustment but that check is fantastic. I could get used to the breathing room it will afford us.