Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Just another manic...... um Wednesday?

Yesterday was a 'run run run' day. On 5 hours sleep that made it challenging for me. The concert was worth it though, I swear.

After getting my son dressed and off to school I got my daughter into the OSST Minivan and headed to my parent's house. They loaded their luggage into the enviable minivan and we drove to my daughter's preschool. There I walked her in and got her settled and then back to the van. We were off to the airport. I easily found the airport and on the way my mom said a fateful thing, "I always get lost driving BACK from the airport." My cell phone rang just as we were nearing the drop off drive and had to closely read the signs so I ignored the call thinking it was a client (hopefully not THE client I had an appointment with later to reschedule again...grrrr) and that I would retrieve a message from voicemail later.

We found the airline and I pulled over to the curb. I got out to help my parents remove their luggage. My mom was noticably nervous and my dad seemed a bit rattled. I guess I'm not the only one afraid to fly. So as I opened the back hatch and removed their suitcases I said jokingly, "This is what I call Angela's curbside service." My dad laughed but said, "Oh Ang, you dont' have to get those. I could have." Yeah, I know Dad. Let me spoil you a bit.

Then I hugged him and told him to have a good time. My mom looked at me and started to tear up. Trying to sniffle back her tears she looked at me and said (in typical and appreciated mom tone) "Now you be careful driving home."

"I will Mom. Don't worry about me." I hugged her and as she held me extra long I added, "You'll be fine. Enjoy yourself. This is a good start to your traveling. Tell April and Bill hello for me." (my sister and bil.)

It took me a few extra, unnecessary seconds, to pull away and wave as I did so. *sigh*

As I was exiting I checked my voicemail. Mistake #1 That made me take the wrong direction out of the airport and head north when I wanted south. Then I phoned hubby to chat Mistake #2 I didn't notice I was going in the wrong direction for a few extra exits. Then I turned around and headed back. I was getting panicy (one of my silly OTHER issues.... getting lost.) I phoned hubby to see where I wanted to be Mistake #3 because not only was he of no help he patronized me and I hung up on him after saying a swear word I almost never use. A few turn arounds later I figure heck on it. I know I went too far the other way I'm driving the opposite way and see where that takes me BINGO! I was back where I wanted to be. Darn it! I've never gotten lost driving back from the airport (even alone) before. Then I remembered what my mom said. Darn her! LOL

I wasted 25-30 minutes and when I got home I had to change into nicer clothes and throw food down my throat. I did pick up my daughter barely in time when her preschool let out and we were off the few miles down the road to my work where I was going to meet the elusive client. Hopefully.

She was there!!! A two hour meeting accomplished a lot and she had the contract in hand for her and her husband to sign. She stated she'd return it Saturday with the (huge) retainer check. Woo hoo! She didn't batt an eyelash, thank goodness. I never know how people will react to that many hours at $40 per hour. But she was pleased with my progress and we are probably half-way done. That's awesome!

Then it was a ton of 'at home' stuff to do before going to work at 5 and then running home to call my parents to see if they got in safely. I told them to call darn it but they didn't. How would they like it!? hee hee.

They got in fine and were wired like kids. Apparently my sister and her husband set them up good and I will blog about that later. This is long enough as it is. Hee hee.


Ginger said...

My mother and I were returning to Reagan National after visiting my brother in Maryland and missed an exit. We spent an hour on the beltline trying to get turned back around (seeing Washington D.C. while we were at it). Luckily, we had allowed a lot of time to get to the airport.

Angel said...

I felt so stupid and like I wasted my morning. grrr.

And today my son is home sick. Bah!

lioux said...

I Love, Love, Love dropping people off and picking people up from the airport.

I know. I'm weird.

I also L,L,L helping people move.

Angel said...

I'd kill for a big fat retainer check right now! LOL

oh and i drove the opposite direction many times... not just from the airport. lovely.

Angel said...

Lioux.... I know who to call then. hee hee

DraMa... I busted my rump for it the last month and won't believe it until I'm at the bank with it. Oh, and I still have a ton of work to close out the contract so....

hahahah... opposite direction, um if I visit, I'm driving. hee hee.

Augs Casa said...

What an adventure. If you are not going to use all of that retainer check, it sure can go to help Augs Casa...ha ha ha

Angel said...

Augs... you both in augs casa are grabby McGrabsters for my hard earned cashola. Well tough noogies. And besides... I haven't gotten it yet. When I do I might not tell you all either. hee hee. *pushing down the horns through my halo* Ahem, that's better.

Btw... You two crack me up. If I'm ever in your's and DraMa's neck of the woods we (as in hubby here too) should hang out but send me an Augs to English dictionary so I can follow along. hee hee.

Terry said...

Bil's name is Bill... funny!!

Angel said...

I never noticed that BIL was one letter shy of Bill. LOL. We have a lot of 'bill' problems in my family. My grandfather, dad, bil and son are all Bills. Only one Angel though *batts eyelashes*

lioux said...


I totally caught that too.

And did this:


Angel said...

Lioux and Terry... quick on the uptake. I didn't even see it until then. Nice smirk btw Lioux. I bet your future ex-husband George Clooney loves that! Hee hee.

Dan said...

Hey Ang! Congratulations on scoring that elusive client! Very cool indeed. You rock!

lioux said...

Oh. Everyone Loves, Loves, Loves my *smirk* Angel.

Angel said...

Dan... Thanks! She has the contract and I hope to have it signed and in my hand with a check tomorrow. Until then, she isn't hooked just yet. But it is cool. Thanks, I hope I do rock! LOL

Lioux... I bet they do. You'll have to show me it when Sister Kisser tours and I sit in the crowd cheering you on.