Finding the slices of heaven.

Monday, March 12, 2007

The morning that wasn't

I was going to have a 10:30 am meeting this morning after sending my son off to school and waiting glued to the radio for the announcement for the winner of the Nickelback tickets.

So I had my mp3 on radio and got my son off to school for his field trip to see a play with a bagged lunch and a smile on his face (less one tooth... I'll post about that later.)

I prepped for my meeting with the client that has rescheduled with me twice and this was our third attempt. I got my daughter ready and papers ready and me ready. We headed off and got to the store just in time. But my client wasn't there yet. Awesome, I had some time to spread out all my stuff and get some books. I was ready, contract in hand and preliminary stuff too.

tick tock tick tock tick tock. Soon it was 11 am. No client. I phoned her. She wrote down Wednesday. She picked the day!! I was sitting with my appt. book open at Starbucks and wrote the day in as we spoke!! Wednesday I drive my parents to the airport so I would remember discussing working around THAT day. *sigh* I was pleasant, she apologized and I left feeling more than a little pissed that my morning was wasted. Not only that, I still have NO idea what is going on with the contest. If I didn't win, rip it off like a bandaid and be done with it! *double sigh*

So there you have it, my morning that wasn't. blah


lioux said...

Yes, sometimes mornings can be annoying.

Steven said...


You should hope that you don't win. ;)


Angel said...

First of all... you spelled it wrong.. ;-) Second of all.. i love love love them smart ass. hee hee. ( meant smart ass with all the love in the world. :D )

Angel said...

Crap....lioux. My comment to yoioux didn't show up. freakin' blogger.

What I said was...

'mornings and some people (freakin' client)'

lioux said...


Stupid blogger.

(I mean the blog service, not you).

Anonymous said...

She should be flogged

Angel said...

Finished last....Or at least over charged....LOL j/k

Ginger said...

someone is telling you working with this client is a bad idea. At the very least get some money up front.