Finding the slices of heaven.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

"The bestest day ever"

Today was our 'family day'. Last night we rented some movies as a treat since it started to rain and we couldn't play outside. Today we got up leisurely and had a nice big breakfast. Hubby fried up bacon and I made homemade puffed pancakes, which neither child would eat and so they had somethinge else. *rolls eyes* Darn picky eaters.

Then we got ready for the day. My daughter's preschool had their annual art show that is voluntary. Any child in the school could partake in the event. Last year she and I glued some of the photo's she took herself to a board and we named it 'Peanut's World' (well not really, instead of Peanut we used her REAL name. LOL) This year I asked her what she wanted to do for her piece of art and she said she wanted to paint a butterfly. She painted a beautiful butterfly in water colors on mommy's special watercolor paper. That was exciting for peanut. On one of the wings she had the number 5 (since it's her favorite number and her age... go figure) She named her piece of art 'Stephanie the Butterfly' (of course, right?) btw... Stephanie is NOT Peanut's name.

We went shoe shopping first since the art show was at 2pm and we bought new tennis shoes and other things. The store was having a BOGO sale yet we still spent a lot. LOL. But I got some Tommy Hillfiger thick flipflops for $5 so that was awesome! Go figure that the least amount spent on any of us was me.... the $5 shoes. LOL.

Then we went to Old Navy and picked out some things before going to the Art show. It was cute as always and she got a certificate of participation which she called her 'award'. (that makes me think of A Christmas Story and then I say "fra geeeelay. Must be Italian before chuckling. Darn stream of consciousness Angel.)

After perusing her artwork and gleefully greeting all of her friends like a smiling Miss America Contestant she was ready to go. I kid you not she actually said to one child, "Hi Connor. I love your dinosaur picture." That's my peanut.

Once we left the art show we perused some new local shops for me. I need a dress for the upcoming beach wedding in Destin and toward the end the kids were begging to go home. I was tired too. So we got home. Did I mention that it reached 70 degrees today? Well it did. We got home and some of us changed into 'play clothes' before heading outside. Hubby scooped the 200#'s of dog waste in the yard. He complained about how there is already weeds in the grass (now I remember my least favorite thing about summer... hearing about that!) I sprayed anti deer spray on my perenials which are out of the ground agood 5-6 inches already! Plus I sprayed our Dogwood trees, strawberry plants and Lillacs which we planted last year and it will be their first bloom year. Woo hoo there are buds! Upon inspection of my strawberry plants I discovered a bird carcus entwined in my netting. It broke my heart. I wanted the birds out but not to die a slow death. We kept my daughter away since she cries when a worm is found dead on the driveway. (boy she is like her mom. LOL)

We practiced baseball, the dog played soccer (yes, she can!) and the kids rode their bikes. We hitched the puppy up to her harness and all five of us took a walk down the sidewalk where the peanut waved and said 'Hi' to all who passed by. The boy rode his skate board and it was a great walk.

The kids got their dinner and then baths and bed. After the baths my daughter said to me "This was the bestest day EVER" and kissed me. "Ankyou mommy." No, thank you peanut. Then she broke into a chorus of 'The best day ever' from a Spongebob Square pants show. LOL. I agree, it was a fantastic day!


Mike said...

We did the family walk thign yesterday for the first time in ages.

Good times, but I think the dog ripped my shoulder out of socket.

Dan said...

Hi Angel! Sounds like a terrific day. So are you going to photograph "Stephanie the Butterfly" and post it?

Oh ... 200 pounds of dog waste in the yard?? Excuse me for a moment ...

BARF!!!!!!!! COUGH!!!! CACK!!!!!!!!!!

OK, I feel better now. :)

lioux said...

Sounds like it was an awesome day!

Angel said...

Mike...Good for you with the family walk. Your dog would be like a horse for me. I hope your shoulder is okay.

Dan...the school still has all the art work. Hopefully later this week I'll get it back and will take a picture. Btw... with the dog waste, hubby is prone to over exaggeration. LOL

Lioux... It was. I hope you had an awesome Sunday too (and are feeling better.)

Love Bears All Things said...

What a fantastic day!! You have deer in your yard? I'd love to see pictures. We had deer in the woods behind our condo in Aliquippa when we lived there. I remember all of the road kill. Had some close calls too with deer leaping accross the yard.
I'm glad you're having some warmer weather.