Finding the slices of heaven.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Monday monotany

Mondays will be crazy busy days in the Angel household for my son until the end of April. Besides hubby working and the boy having school I will be doing my regular stuff before work at 6pm. But my son is taking spanish class after school and I will need to pick him up (like today) and bring him home to feed us within 45 minutes and get him to CCD before 6 and slep off to work.


I spent all day drafting, laundry and my daughter.

After work I stopped by our expanding Walmart that will soon be SUPER to find sudafed for my kids who woke up this morning with out of the blue congestion. March stinks for that because one day it's 45 degrees and the next day its 22. Blah.

Today and yesterday I have been trying all I know to get rid of a migraine and I can tell you I can't wait to see my doctor in two weeks to find a way to ward them off forever because taking 3 ibuprofen is not good on the body after awhile.

Hubby finished his novel last night and sent off a query email letter today. That makes me want to revamp mine and I hope to find time to do that.... maybe on the plane in April. There, I dumped all my junk in this blog, does that mean my head will be clear? LOL I doubt it.

I am going to try and catch up on my blogging friends. Later peeps!


Anonymous said...

Life sound busy . I hope you get a chance to catch your breath soon and i really hope that headache goes away.

lioux said...


Feel better.

Angel said...

Finished last... yes very busy. Thank you for the well wishes bud. I functioned at work last night despite the headache. There are only embers left today and hopefully I can knock it out with one more dose of ibuprofen.

I'm home from the funiture seminar and ready to clean clean clean. LOL

Lioux... awwww thanks [[[hugs]]]. I hope you have a normal week at Company Inc this week.

Love Bears All Things said...

How long did he write before he finished and how long is it?

Unknown said...

It took him a year to write it. It's the first of a trilogy and he has targeted an agent that deals in the genre. He is so excited. It's about 400 or maybe 500 pages

Angel said...

sorry about the Angela thing. I was checking our family gmail and it had me as that. So confusing.