Finding the slices of heaven.

Friday, March 16, 2007

My little sister in Florida

My sister and her new husband live in Florida. They rent a house in a golf course community with a ton of great amenities. My parents flew down to spend 14 days with them. The day they got down there it was in the 80's and they took a walk all together through the community. The developer is still building houses and my sister and her husband told my parents that the houses are sometimes left open and did they want to walk through one.

They agreed and walked through it. It's brand new and my parents thought it was nice. After touring it my sister and her husband asked, "So. What do you think of the house?"

My parents replied, "It's really nice. I could live here."

My sister stated, "Well. It's ours."

Yes. They bought the house. They got a great price for the 1818 sq foot home off the 15th hole of the communities golf course. My parents were surprised and excited. Here is a pic of their house...

Okay, the pictures are small but you get the idea. I'm excited for them and wish them nothing but the best.

Here is where my parents are stressing me out. We got those pictures Wednesday night and we viewed them late that night. Thursday I got an email from my mom telling me to send my sister an email telling her what I thought of the house. *sigh*. I worked Thursday night but I did send an email quickly during the day.

Today I got another email saying I must be busy since I hadn't sent an email. WTF? I did send an email and forwarded it to my mom and told her to tell my sister to check her email for the love of god. I don't need more crap. LOL. Boy I'm cranky today. hee hee.


lioux said...

It bothers me when these type of e-mail things happen.

And I am soooo looking forward to this weekend, it has been a crazy week, and I've been suffering from insomnia again. I AM EXHAUSTED.

Angel said...

looks like a beautiful house!!! congrats to them!

Angel said...

Lioux... awwww. I hope you get tons of rest this weekend. I wonder why you suffer from insomnia so often? Take care of yourself bud!

DraMa... Thanks. I'll pass it on!

Steven said...

But its ours...hehehehe... ;)


Terry said...

Moms, you gotta love em!! Mine does the same thing about adding extra pressure when it is not needed, but I am sure she means very well...

Hope your weekend is nice and relaxing!!

Angel said...

Hey Steve... aren't you Mr. Chuckles. weekend is fantastically relaxing, thanks! I know she means well and she says she didn't know I had sent the email. We talked about it and I was honest. All is fine right now.