Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Funny moments

Tonight we had a crowd pleaser for dinner: Pizza Hut pizza. My kids love it because....well it's pizza. And they love it because it is one of the only time they can have pop (soda to some of you) with dinner. My son excitedly volunteered to run to the basement for it but not before asking us each what we wanted. Armed with 3 pops (hubby wasn't home yet) he asked me to turn the lights out because he was determined to carry them himself. (Stubborn, I have NO idea where he gets THAT from? lol)

So we begin to eat while daddy fights through traffic (he always tell us to start without him by a certain time because sometimes traffic is bad.) My son is having an A&W rootbeer and my daugther is having a caffiene free Coke (no caffiene for my monkeys, they don't need it.) So after we chat a bit about their days my son is reading his can of pop because now he can read and is quite proud of it.

He said, "Mommy it says rootbeer has been around since 1919."

I look over and I say,

"Oh no, honey. That means that that company has been making rootbeer since 1919."

He replied with, "ohhh so the cavemen had it."

I bursted out laughing. "No honey, there were no cavemen in 1919. Cavemen were alive a very very long time ago. Wayyyyyy before 1919."

"Oh." And he laughs.

My daughter decided to join in the caveman/rootbeer debate with: "Yeah! Cavemen would say 'aahhhhhh I like rootbeer.'"

Ahhh kids. They kept up like that until daddy got home. They had me laughing so hard I was crying.


LID said...

Pizza Hut, Cave Men and Root Beer... what could be better! Better dinner conversation than politics and religion!

Angel said...

Good lord woman! Don't you watch television! Geico is constantly making fun of them and they are getting so irritated.

lioux said...

I had Pizza for dinner last night, too.

And I've also asked Co-Worker Dan what it was like when they invented soda (pop)!

Those Geico commercials are BRILLIANT!

Mike said...

C'mon. Caffeine for your kids right before bed would be a lot more fun than pizza cave man style!

Angel said...

long island dad... it was quite a funny evening with them. It is better than politics and religion. And this morning my daughter started talking about a dream she had with coyotes in it and her taking them down. Yikes! So last nights conversation was good. hee hee.

DramaMama (Angel) I know, I better watch my back. LOL. If you read this cavemen, I'm not prejudice, I swear!!

Lioux, you are so bad. Living on the edge this friday morning? He could probably share stories about things called.... glass bottles. I vaguely remember them. LOL

Mike.. sugar is one thing. Sugar PLUS caffiene and I might as well beat myself about the head with a cutting board it is that much fun! LOL

Terry said...

SODA?? POP?? Down here we just call them Cokes... Doesnt matter what flavor.. " Do you want a coke??" " Sure, what kind you got?" "DR.Pepper"

And according to those commercials, I am pretty sure those cavemen DID have Rootbeer!!

Angel said...

My editor lives in Atlanta and he did inform me of the 'Coke' standing for all forms of carbonated beverages.

I better keep an eye out for an upset group of cavemen at my door. LOL

Anonymous said...

I am sure you could charm whatever cavemen showed up at your door.

Mike said...

C'mon Terry. You are a Southern girl and should know that there is no . in Dr Pepper.


But you are sure right about ordering cokes. I still do it that way and I have not drank a Coke in years.

Terry said...

My apologies for the mis-print. I have been on this diet for three months and I get really excited just thinking about Dr Pepper.

Angel said...

Finished last... awwww I'm not sure that's true but thank you. ;-)

Mike... no squabbles here. hee hee

Terry.. is he tempting you? Any diet that you can't have a Dr Pepper once in a while isn't worth it. LOL. Maybe that's why my weight has leveled

Terry said...

I agree!! I would not give up my DPs for just anything. I get the small 8oz cans, and allow myself 1 per day. And have still managed to lose over 17 lbs.. Where I lost it from, I couldnt tell you!! If I hadnt allowed myself this little "fix" everyday, I would end up sitting in a closet somewhere in a sugar laden stupor with a case of empty DP cans scattered around me.NOT PRETTY!

Angel said...

That's a good plan Terry. And I chuckled over the whoe 'sitting in a closet' statement. hahahahaha.