Finding the slices of heaven.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Turn around....

I know the advertising business hires great people to get the products stuck in the consumers minds. I have also been able to decipher the meaning within the commercials and find it fun. But there is one on the tv now that has burrowed into my brain. I think it's a gps manufacturer (okay so I don't COMPLETELY remember the product itself) but I know it's geared toward my generation and older sister's generation. How do I know that? Plain and simple, the song.

As I made some breakfast I caught myself singing "Turn around... every now and then I get a little bit..." and stopping. I think, where did that come from. Then I hear hubby singing the same thing as he's reading the paper. Later, in the shower I am in full song mode singing the same darn song! Then I realized... Darn it, it's that flim flaming commercial!

Now I'm trying to remember the lyrics and realized I really LIKE singing the song so I will more than likely try to learn them all (although I'm surprised I know as many as I do since it's an 80's song.) I'm even thinking of getting hubby to learn the song on his guitar so I can sing along. Damn commercial! Damn advertisers! *shaking fist angrily into the sky* Get out of my head!!

I went looking for the original video and found this on You Tube and cracked up!! *giggle*

Okay and this one is simply disturbing!!!

Here is a link to a sample of the original...

Yeah.... see what that commercial has done to me??? There I now spread the misery, hee hee.


LID said...

All I have to say is that we start to show our age based on the lyrics we remember... that is all!

Anonymous said...

haha that one with the upside down faces is hilarious

Angel said...

long island dad... yeah yeah yeah, don't remind me. I'm not looking to speed through life. I am into a lot of new music out there and trying to ignore the impending wrinkles. LOL.

Steve... It was. I nearly peed myself watching it. I HAD to put a link to it for sure. *chuckle*

Terry said...

I have been singing that song all day now. I started before I finished your second paragraph... MAKE IT STOP!!!

Angel said...

Ummmm Terry. If I could find a way to make it stop I would. And every time I STOP singing it the freakin' commercial comes on!!! ARGHHHHH!

lioux said...


I know the exact commercial you're talking about!