Finding the slices of heaven.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Plane revisited.

Yesterday I told my mom about my horrible dream from the night before. They are flying to Tampa to see my sister and her husband in March and haven't flown since the late 80's. I'm the executrix to their will and the one daughter they can count on for almost anything.

So apparently my rerun of the dream to her on the phone seemed the perfect seque to tell me that if their plane goes down they have survivor benefits and will put the important papers in a certain place and that I should come by soon so she could show me where all the rest of the papers are. That way if they die in a plane crash I could find everything and sell everything off without routing too much. *sigh*

That was NOT the time to have me discussing such things, Mom. Seriously.


LID said...

Yeah, Mom's can have such "perfect" timing, huh?

Angel said...

Yes, Lid, yes they do. Darn them!

Anonymous said...

Just remember the statistics Angel. They are far more likely to have a terrible car accident than a plane wreck. Hmmm maybe that wasn't so assuring.

Terry said...

I have always been told that dreams are nothing more than fragments of things that we experienced through out the day... Things so trivial that our conscious mind does not register it, but our sub-conscious turns it into these dreams...

I am just wondering, have you seen Final Destination recently, or maybe a commercial for the movie?? or even just the DVD packaging... Something that trivial could have triggered your horrific dream...