I danceth around to the sun god for he hath bringth me his power and thus melted my driveway. I need not chipith at it to see it's wonderous blacktop, I need not leaveth shovel marks to find my way to the bottom. The sun god hath grantith my wish and bringeth me a clean driveway. Now I danceth in its rays happy as a lark.
Yeah... I've lost it. LOL
Yay! The sun came out here, too...and it got up to 70 degrees! So, I turned into a big dork, and drove around with the top down on my car soaking it up...of course, I still needed a jacket, but the top was DOWN! =)
I'm ready for spring!
Yeah yeah. Sanity is fleeting. Hop on board the train.
Truly Awesometh.
Yep, I can give guided tours at the end of Sanity. C'mon along.
Sally.... I hear you! I was loving yesterday and we only neared 50. If we got in the 70's I would have thrown shorts on. *sigh*
Rick...I have am ready to board the looney express!!
Lioux... yeseth
Mike... from your picture I can tell you are competant. j/k i love the pic. As long as you are handing out twizzlers I'm game!
Is there a heighth requirement for this ride... I soooo want to go too!!
Terry... no height requirement at all! I mean if there was I'd be banned. LMAO. Perhaps we should require people to be 5'9" or under. LOL
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