Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Year of the....

You Were Born Under:

You are quick witted, charming, and bring luck to all who know you.
A bit greedy, you tend to go after what you want - with success.
Clever, you seek out knowledge... and eventually use what you know to your advantage.
You are very loyal, and you treat your real friends like they are family.

You are most compatible with a Dragon or Monkey.
It seems I'm most compatible with anyone born in 1964 or 1976 (the dragon) or 1968 (the monkey) Is it bad that hubby was born in the year of the OX.
Yes! Another test. I got it at the8thnerve blog. Blame it on her. LOL


lioux said...

I am a dog. and Co-Worker Dan is a ram.

LID said...

I'm a snake! Go figure!

Angel said...

I'm a rabbit but hubs is a rat. 1964 baby.

And you need intervention. You need Internet Tests Anonymous. Really... it's a sickness. Seek help! LMAO!!!

cheex said...

I'm a dragon.

Terry said...

No need for me to take this one!!I can just check your answers!!