Finding the slices of heaven.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Sick day

Last week I had a headcold and it was yucky and then my daughter caught it. Some how I managed to handle the kids and usual fare plus all the party stuff. Today hubby is home with the same head cold. Damn, I could use a sick day. LOL. He slept in and is about to lay down again. *double sigh* I shouldn't complain, he pays for the roof over our heads.

I haven't blogged my usual amount because he's home and that changes my routine. That and he's had me researching vacation rentals for his brother's wedding. So I have managed to do only half on my mental 'to do' list. I hope to get started on some more right now!

Blog ya later!


lioux said...

I was totally laid up on Saturday. I got nothing I wanted to get done this weekend and ended up spending most of the weekend on the couch.

Whatever it was that hit me, I was over it almost as quickly as it came.


LID said...

Hope hubs feels better soon... keep him away from the kids!!!

Angel said...

Lioux, I'm glad you're feeling better babe! I'm glad it left as fast as it had arrived.

Long island dad. I got the cold about 10 days ago and was suffering all last week. My daughter had it and even suffered at her Valentine ball on Friday night w/ hubby. My son might have already gotten it so the whole house has had it. Thanks!